If You Don't Have Anything Nice To Say...

Why is it that transhumanists present themselves as being arrogant even towards other transhumanists? Individually, do they think they are better than everyone else? Do they think they know more?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that most of us are arrogant. But I do get a strong impression (maybe I'm just being sensitive) that we are plagued by the same ideological prejudices that permeate the rest of the world. I have seen postings in transhuman blogs and message boards criticizing other transhumans for being homosexual, homophobic, a prostitute, a fascist, a racist, Jewish, rich, poor, capitalist, American, European, promoting transhumanism in Second Life, being religious, being christian, being non-christian and more.

If we are truly as enlightened as we believe ourselves to be then it seems we should recognize that nothing productive can come out of these types of postings and should stop. In place of these postings we should focus on reaching out to the non-transhuman world, discuss implications of future technologies and even have some strong disagreements about what it means to be transhuman.

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