One Christian's View of Transhumanism

Lepanto League Information Service has a new blog that attracted my attention with the title Reflections On Ghastly Transhumansim that links back to an essay by David B. Hart titled The Anti-Theology of the Body.

Although Hart's essay (really a response to John Paul II’s Theology of the Body) is verbose it is still an interesting read for the ideas, relationships, comparisons and some worthy quotes. In the end, I found it hard to be offended by his perspective and was left with one mans opinion that while not agreeable from my perspective is understandable given his.

A note of caution: Take the time to read the essay carefully so that bias does not cloud the true meaning and perspective he is trying to convey. He seems to be a master of nearly offending and complementing in the same sentence.

Some of the more memorable quotes:

"A satirist with a genius for the morbid could scarcely have invented a faction more depressingly sickly, and yet—in certain reaches of the scientific community—it is a movement that enjoys some real degree of respectability."

"Obviously one is dealing here with a sensibility formed more by comic books than by serious thought. Ludicrous as it seems, though, transhumanism is merely one logical consequence (if a particularly childish one) of the surprising reviviscence of eugenic ideology in the academic, scientific, and medical worlds."

"Transhumanism, as a moral philosophy, is so risibly fabulous in its prognostications, and so unrelated to anything that genomic research yet promises, that it can scarcely be regarded as anything more than a pathetic dream; but the metaphysical principles it presumes regarding the nature of the human are anything but eccentric."

"I dwell upon extremes because I believe it is in extremes that truth is most likely to be found."

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