2007 -The Year We Loose Our Wires?

Over these past few months I've been watching the technologies come online which will finally help us get rid of all of the unsightly cables and wires that have been piling up, connecting each device to another device and each of those devices to a power source.

Here's a quick breakdown of the technologies that will save copper:

Wireless USB
With Wireless USB you can toss all the USB cables.

Skin Transmitting Wireless Headphones
With skin conduction earphones you can reduce the amount of RF radiation in close contact with your body.

Wireless Power
New wireless power schemes correct many of the problems of earlier designs and promise to radically change our homes and offices. One method allows devices to be place on a surface but there is also a method that will charge a device within 10 feet of a transmitter.

Okay, so maybe it'll take until 2009 for the products to hit mainstream but at least it's not about the technology anymore it's about product development, manufacturing and marketing.

1 comment:

Michael Anissimov said...

Gmail and Yahoo mail are both pushing the mobile thing in a big way with ads, I've noticed...